Luckily, there are a lot of ways to fix these issues nowadays, as you can see by yourself in our list with the best and most useful tips to fix the most common Android WiFi connection issues!

1. Turn on Airplane Mode

When the WiFi connection issues start appearing on Android, one of the first steps you should follow is turning on the Airplane Mode. This simple thing will typically solve your problem and it doesn’t take much time at all. In fact, you can even fix your Stories that won’t load this way! All you need to do is to slide down from the top of your screen and tap the Airplane Mode to turn it on, which will disable your WiFi, your Bluetooth, and your mobile data. After a few seconds, tap it again to turn it off and have everything enabled again. Typically, you will have your connection back to normal after this.

2. Reboot your device

If the Airplane Mode doesn’t help you, then you should go straight to rebooting your Android device. You can do so in two different ways: when you press the power button for a few seconds, you can tap the Restart option. If you prefer, you can choose to tap the Power off option, and then simply turn it back on by pressing the power button for a few seconds. In any case, this helps to fix most of the Android WiFi connection issues.

3. Reboot your router

If neither of the previous options has worked for you, the problem might not be stemming from your system or your device, but from the internet you’re using. You can test the connectivity to other devices, but it is possible that the problem is happening specifically between the connection from your router to your phone. A good way to fix this issue is by rebooting your router. To do so, you can simply unplug your device from your outlet for at least thirty seconds and then plug it back in. After you do that, try out your WiFi on your phone and see if it is now fixed or not.

4. Connection always dropping out

If the WiFi connection is always dropping out or disconnecting by itself, there might be a much simpler option than you imagine. The reason could simply be that there’s an Android option enabled to not keep the WiFi always turned on. To check it, you have to go you your phone’s WiFi settings and tap Keep WiFi on during sleep. Frequently the Only when plugged in option will be enabled by default causing your device to turn it off when you turn off the screen. To fix it, just select the Always option!

5. IP problems

A lot of Android users also have some issues while trying to establish a WiFi connection, getting stuck on the IP authentication message. Frequently, it is here that the problem happens and the connection is lost. Other than following the first few steps mentioned in this list, there’s something else you can try to fix it: Download the WiFi Fixer app from the Play Store. It will help your device restore essential WiFi system files as well as fixing the IP authentication problem.

6. Change your router location

An important thing about WiFi connections is that walls or other obstacles are capable of blocking the signal, which results in both the speed and the stability being compromised. To fix this situation, make sure your WiFi router is well-positioned and not hidden behind a closet or even inside a cabinet. Other than that, make sure that wherever you place it is not too far from the other rooms in your house. Otherwise, investing in the next tip is a good idea.

7. Use a WiFi signal repeater

If you can’t change your WiFi router placement, maybe due to the cables, don’t fret. To avoid these Android WiFi connection issues you can simply buy a WiFi signal repeater! The repeater, as the name indicates, “absorbs” and repeats the WiFi signal, improving its strength. This way, even if the original router is far away, you only need to worry about placing the repeater in a good spot!

8. Connection speeds

If you can connect to the WiFi connection, but it is simply too slow ad you can’t play any of the best mobile multiplayer games, there are a few simple solutions. If you’re on a public WiFi network, the problem is likely due to the number of users on the same connection and there’s not much you can do. If you’re at home when it happens, it is likely that the issue is caused by your ISP. You can test your connection speed by downloading the Speedtest app, which can help you find the true reason for the problem. To download it, follow this link.

9. Contact the tech support

If nothing works and you still have to deal with WiFi connection issues on your Android device, your hardware might be faulty. In this case, the best option is to contact an ISP tech and request that they come to check out or replace your equipment, if it is ISP provided. They will be able to help you diagnose the issue – if it actually is a problem with your router – or will at least let you know what you can do to fix your problem.

10. Public networks instability

Nowadays, getting access to free WiFi is really simple. However, it is possible you’re having issues due to this, and it might not be a problem on your phone. Public networks are not always reliable, and they can even be unsafe! So, test it out while using reliable WiFi connections, such as your home or your work connection.

Did you manage to fix your WiFi connection issues?

Let us know in the comments if we helped you out and if you have any other tips on how to fix this issue! Don’t forget to also check out the best free Android apps and learn how to fix the most common Spotify problems!

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