Have you ever wondered when it came about and why people use hashtags? Today it’s something so natural that when we realize we’re using the # even in a spoken conversation. But what is a hashtag? According to the Oxford d, Hashtag is a “a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media sites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify digital content on a specific topic.”

The history of hashtags

Hashtags appeared in 1995 along with the mIRC chat program, which back in the 90s was used to connect people from all over the world in so-called channels (chat) and in private chats. The # was used to name the chat rooms. With the arrival of Twitter, users wanted to create discussion groups on topics. Then, in 2007 Chris Messina, an American actor, director, writer, and producer, proposed to generate something more interactive for everyone and proposed using hashtags to connect people on social networks. After several analyses and tests, the hashtag became popular on Twitter in 2009. So much so that the social network created “Trend Topics” to disclose which were the most used hashtags of the day. Thus, several famous brands and people began to plan content to generate engagement to the point of staying at the top of the Trend. Seeing that this format was really good and brought together several people who did not follow each other in different types of subjects, Facebook decided to adopt the use of # in 2013. Then Instagram and the now late Google+ also started to use this system on their platforms.

Instagram and Hashtags

On Instagram, the #s have the task of grouping and segmenting publications and sending them to people who like or have an affinity with that subject. Thus, in addition to being able to follow the hashtags according to your interest, Instagram itself shows posts with # that have topics that you might like in the search. This artificial intelligence helps users discover new people to follow and see content that they might not have access to on their own. However, seeing the success of this system, many brands overused it, so Instagram began to limit the delivery of publications from accounts that used more than 15 hashtags. And it also began to check if the #s had to do with the content of the post, so as not to deliver publications that people would not like.

So, what are the most used Instagram hashtags?

According to a study by Rock Content (one of the largest marketing companies in the country), these are the most used hashtags on Instagram in 2022: Now if your goal is to gain more followers these are the most used hashtags on Instagram:

#follow4follow #followme #followforfollow #likeforfollow #followback #followforfollowback #instafollow #f4f

As we can see, all of them are already clear that it is to gain followers, so accounts that want to exchange likes can find each other more easily. The use of terms in English to make the scope broader, and it is better regardless of where you live (unless, of course, you have a local business). Whether for personal use or to promote your brand, hashtags help you take your post further and to more people. Just use it the right way.

There is a list of # to get more likes including. Check it out:

#likeforlike #like4like #tagforlikes #l4l #likeforlikes #tflers #likebackteam

(The #l4l means like for like, that is, like for like. Offering an exchange: you like my content and I like yours.) Hashtags make the day-to-day of those who produce content a lot easier, just use it the right way and always keep an eye on the news that comes up.

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